Case Study

Construction Leader in Europe

Optimize collaboration and efficiency in the construction industry with Ivalua

One of OJC Consulting’s clients, a leader in European construction services, has used the Ivalua platform to introduce its own portal for supplier projects, thereby improving collaboration, maximizing efficiency and prioritizing buyer-centric solutions for their various business areas.

Project objectives

   Streamline collaboration processes across design, construction, and testing stages through coordination and standardization.

   Leverage standard software to optimize operational efficiency, using advanced configuration made possible by Ivalua.

   Implement a buyer-centric solution that encourages adoption and feedback, focusing on supplier usability.


The client is a powerhouse in the European construction industry, renowned for its unmatched innovation, robust financial standing, and substantial influence.

As a leader, they excel in transportation infrastructures, building construction, civil engineering, and facility management.

To further optimize procurement processes across these diverse sectors, they’ve implemented a cutting-edge supplier project portal, leveraging the Ivalua platform.

Solution deployed

Most of the delivered functionalities within the activated modules were adapted by standard configuration. Some complex configuration was also provided to enhance the platform capabilities as per buyer needs. The implementation of the portal for supplier projects involved a comprehensive sourcing approach, combining standardized catalog ordering with customized procurement activities, optimizing sourcing operations.

We have leveraged the Ivalua platform to enhance and extend the construction-specific contract lifecycle. This includes collaborative drafting, negotiation protocol (pre-contract) during shortlisting, into full contract after awarding. These improvements were integrated into existing sourcing processes, as used by buyers and suppliers.


The solution was implemented using an agile, phased approach, starting with a proof-of-concept, followed by a first functional system focusing on supplier onboarding.

The next steps involved enhancing the tool’s functionalities for sourcing, contracts, orders and interfaces to reach the expected solution before rolling it out in different European countries and carefully accommodating language localization.

Results & Benefits

Harmonization of the procurement process at document level (suppliers, tenders, contracts and order management).

  Seamless collaboration between sourcing and contracting process with a specific integrated process for buyers and suppliers.

  Successful deployment and adoption of the solution in various countries.

  Improved user experience with modernized and digitalized procedures, from paperwork to tablets and databases.